Un jeu si simple (1964)

un jeu si simple 1964 title card.png

NOTE: The day I posted about Robert Charlebois, the Montreal Canadiens, and Jean-Pierre Lefebvre’s Jusqu’au coeur (1968), the Habs started winning again, after having gotten into a 1-3 hole in their opening series against the Toronto Maple Leafs. They ended up storming back to win the series in 7 games, and tonight, after having trounced the Winnipeg Jets and vanquished the Vegas Golden Knights, they begin the final stage of the quest for that elusive Stanley Cup, a trophy the Habs last hoisted nearly 30 years ago, in 1993. Does posting about the Canadiens’ Sixties heyday help them win? Well, being the superstitious man that I am, I decided that I could only post such material when the 2021 Canadiens were in the hole. But now that they’ve actually reached the finals, it’s time to go for broke. In other words, there’s only one way to find out.

Un jeu si simple (1964), dir. Groulx—prod. ONF/NFB

Gilles Groulx’s 1964 documentary is one of the great films on sport of any kind. The “game” in question is hockey. The context is that of Montreal, the Montreal Forum, more specifically, and the city’s profound passion for the Montreal Canadiens, the “world champions” at the time. The action takes place at the Forum, in the Canadiens’ practice grounds, and on television, and there’s one road game in Chicago that’s used to compare sports cultures. And, as was the case with Wrestling (1961), another NFB classic of the period, and another film that takes place almost entirely within the confines of the Montreal Forum,* much of the attention is on the team’s fans, on spectators, spectatorship, and issues of spectacle.

Yes, it is a “simple game” in many ways, but no other sport gets to the core of what it means to be a Montrealer, no other sport is as heavily implicated or as consequential, even after a punishing decades-long drought.

un jeu si simple 1964 ref TV.png
un jeu si simple 1964 centre ice 2.png
un jeu si simple 1964 jacques plante.png
un jeu si simple 1964 radio canada.png
un jeu si simple 1964 forum crowd of spectators.png
un jeu si simple 1964 Forum colour.png
un jeu si simple 1964 spectator oh!.png
un jeu si simple 1964 kid.png
un jeu si simple 1964 forum black spectator.png
un jeu si simple 1964 frustration.png
un jeu si simple 1964 nerves.png
un jeu si simple 1964 close call .png
un jeu si simple 1964 anticipation.png
un jeu si simple 1964 announcer.png
un jeu si simple 1964 cheers.png
un jeu si simple 1964 ecstasy of the goal.png
un jeu si simple 1964 woman cheering.png
un jeu si simple 1964 woman cheering 2.png

[Montreal Forum; Montreal Canadiens; les Habitants; le Club Canadien; spectators; spectatorship; spectacle]

Watch this film in the original French here.

If you’d prefer with English subtitles, you can find that version here.

Go, Habs, go!


*Wrestling is another strong contender for “greatest sports film of all time.”

Fabienne sans son Jules (1964)

Fabienne 1964 pauline doubled on bike.png
Fabienne sans son Jules 1964 Sherbrooke Metcalfe Pauline payphone.png
Fabienne sans son Jules 1964 pauline.png
newsstand 1.png
newsstand 2.png
Fabienne 1964 Pauline at Dorval 3.png
Fabienne 1964 cyclist dorval 2.png

Fabienne sans son Jules (1964), dir. Jacques Godbout—prod. ONF

Fabienne stars the iconic Pauline Julien in the title role, playing a free-spirited chanteuse much like herself. The film is notable for its scenes of Montreal nightlife and of the city at night more generally (which is why it was part of a “Night and the City” screening that some friends of mine and I organized at the Cinémathèque québécoise 20 years ago), but it also has something to say about cycling and romance and the airport and cinephilia (the film’s central conceit is that Fabienne is trying to get in touch with none other than Jean-Luc Godard):

“J’adore le cinéma!”

“J’adore le cinéma!”

And with Montreal presently in thrall to an epic early spring (and the cycle-mania that comes with it), well…

[cycling; flowers; romance; cinephilia; Montréal-Dorval; YUL; cigarette smoke; telephone booths; newsstands; singers; chanteuses; Pauline Julien]

Watch this film here (en français).

And for more about Pauline Julien, her art, her career, and her politics, check out Pascale Ferland’s Pauline Julien, Intimate and Political (2018) here.


Manger (1961)

Manger 1961 Ste Catherine Drummond.png
Manger 1961 dunn's counter + pastries.png
Manger 1961 dunn's corned beef .png
Manger 1961 supermarket.png
Manger 1961 for the business girls 79¢.png
Manger 1961 for the businessmen 95¢.png
supermarket 1.png
Manger 1961 roi des patates frites.png

Remember, Easter is almost upon us!

Manger 1961 dunn's window place your orders early.png
manger 1961 closing title.png

Manger [Eat] (1961), dir. Gilles Carle & Louis Portugais—prod. ONF

[food; food culture; restaurants; diners; supermarkets; charcuterie platters; corned beef; French fries; Dunn’s; rue Sainte Catherine; electrical signage; business lunches; consumer society; consumption; sexism]

Watch this film here (en français).


Les Filles du roy (1974)

Les filles du roy 1974 office worker phone map.png
Les filles du roy 1974 bartender.png
Les filles du roy 1974 office worker phone smoke.png
Les filles du roy 1974 schmatta workers.png
Les filles du roy 1974 office workers computers.png
Les filles du roy 1974 st hubert waitress.png
Les filles du roy 1974 office worker keypunch computer card.png
Les filles du roy 1974 doctor MGH.png

Les Filles du roy (1974), dir. Anne Claire Poirier—prod. ONF

[office workers; garment workers; wait staff; bar staff; doctors; information society; computing; Montreal General Hospital; St-Hubert BBQ; labour; gender]

Watch this film with English subtitles here.

Watch this film in the original version, without subtitles, here.

Happy International Women’s Day!


L'École des autres (1968)

L'Ecole des autres 1968 crossing guard snowstorm.png
l'ecole des autres 1968 school's out 1.png
l'ecole des autres 1968 crossing guard 2.png
l'ecole des autres 1968 smiles.png

L’École des autres (1968), dir. Michel Régnier—prod. ONF

[children; the war on poverty; experimental school; crossing guards; Plateau Mont-Royal; avenue des Pins; snow; winter]

Watch this film here.
