Caroline (1964)


Keywords: Montreal; boulevard Décarie; ennuie; motherhood; domestic drudgery; workplace drudgery; modern living; anomie.

Nothing says “Mother’s Day” like a disenchanted young mother living in a Décarie boulevard high-rise, caught in a double bind of domestic drudgery and the banality of the modern workplace.

Clément Perron and Georges Dufaux’s Caroline is an example of Quebec’s New Wave cinema at its cool, mod best. Emphasis on the cool.

Don’t worry. It’s got a happy ending. Kind of.

You can find this classic in the original French here.


Manger (1961)

Manger 1961 Ste Catherine Drummond.png
Manger 1961 dunn's counter + pastries.png
Manger 1961 dunn's corned beef .png
Manger 1961 supermarket.png
Manger 1961 for the business girls 79¢.png
Manger 1961 for the businessmen 95¢.png
supermarket 1.png
Manger 1961 roi des patates frites.png

Remember, Easter is almost upon us!

Manger 1961 dunn's window place your orders early.png
manger 1961 closing title.png

Manger [Eat] (1961), dir. Gilles Carle & Louis Portugais—prod. ONF

[food; food culture; restaurants; diners; supermarkets; charcuterie platters; corned beef; French fries; Dunn’s; rue Sainte Catherine; electrical signage; business lunches; consumer society; consumption; sexism]

Watch this film here (en français).
